The Millionaire Next Door


You: The Mentor

A few weeks ago, readers of my blog and AMI panelists were asked to recount their “ah-ha!” moments as part an ongoing research effort examining wealth building in America. We appreciate the honesty and courage that many of you exhibited in sharing your stories and how they changed your lives. Nearly 250 of you participated

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Your Ah-ha! Moment

In an earlier blog post, we discussed how career experiences, both successes and failures, can lead to moments of clarity (Working for those Ah-ha! Career Moments, August 2012). This post highlighted the fact that many successful millionaires have a wide range of experiences that help them determine a successful career path. Of course, a life-changing

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Buffett Outtakes

Buffett not only excelled at building his own fortune/  he made it possible for many of his shareholders to do the same.  According to NYT, 12-4-12,  For Buffett long view still trumps quick return: “In 1966 . . . Berkshire Hathaway was trading at $22 a share.  Today it is almost $133,000 a share.”  The millionaire population

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College Ranking Not Among Millionaires’ Key Success Factors

The national survey which served as the base for The Millionaire Mind represented a fraction of the top 1% of the wealth holders in America.  Some of the myths about these people are that they were all straight A students, scored at the top on the SAT, attended elite private schools, etc.  The average SAT score for the sample was 1190.  Their

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Want to Live Next Door to a Pro Athlete?

I was reminded of the following case study after reading an article recently published in The Wall Street Journal about football coaches and their expensive homes.  Will and Helen sold their business just before the current economic meltdown.  They received top dollar for their more than 25-year-old business.  Up until then the couple lived the millionaire next door lifestyle

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