The Millionaire Next Door

Marketing to the Affluent

The Luxury of Indiscriminate Spending

Think about items that could be passed down to the next generation: jewelry, artwork, a treasured photograph, or a favorite book. What about the luxury of not being frugal? The luxury to buy whatever one wants? Are affluent parents passing down that “luxury” unknowingly? For those not fortunate enough to inherit large lump sums or […]

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Surface in the Middle of the “Affluent” Convoy

The Military Channel recently broadcast a program that dealt with famous submarine captains.  I was particularly interested when I saw an interview with Otto Kretschmer, the most productive submarine skipper in the Atlantic theatre during World War II.  In Marketing to the Affluent, I mentioned reading the book, Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days, by Karl Doenitz, the head of

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Job Search 101

Would you like to work for a business owner who is a millionaire next door type?  If so, pretend for a few minutes that you are one.  As a millionaire, you probably spend at lot of time time reading the trade/professional journals of your industry and the industries you service. As a successful  business owner, the classified “businesses for

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Job Search: Cold Call the Millionaire Next Door

Has your job search been unsuccessful?  Perhaps you are using the wrong strategy.  What should you do when the herd of millions of job seekers is all e-mailing its credentials to prospective employers every day?  “Don’t follow the herd.”   Begin to do things differently by using your courage, tenacity and creative intellect. Recently I reconnected with T.C. whom

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