The Millionaire Next Door


On the 20th Anniversary of The Millionaire Next Door

As we progress through this election cycle I am having a bout of deja vu.  We’ve been here before. Back in 1996 we were watching another election cycle that involved the Clintons–Bill Clinton versus Bob Dole versus Ross Perot.  We were also seeing increased technology addiction (chatting on dial-up ISPs), and feeling as if threats

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The Luxury of Indiscriminate Spending

Think about items that could be passed down to the next generation: jewelry, artwork, a treasured photograph, or a favorite book. What about the luxury of not being frugal? The luxury to buy whatever one wants? Are affluent parents passing down that “luxury” unknowingly? For those not fortunate enough to inherit large lump sums or

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Young CPA Lives by the Principles Found in The Millionaire Next Door

Most millionaire next door types and those on their way were raised in a nurturing environment filled with harmony, mutual respect, discipline and frugality.  As an example please review the following case study from one of my readers.  While still in high school, my parents had both my brother and I read The Millionaire Next

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