The Millionaire Next Door

An Update on “The Book”

On October 1, the book my father and I began writing several years ago will, at long last, make its appearance on bookshelves. The title is The Next Millionaire Next Door, and it focuses on what it will take for this (or any) generation to achieve lasting financial success. Our research revealed (and thus our writing focused on) themes related to awareness of how individuals behave in relation to money; how economically successful individuals allocate time, money, and energy; and the discipline it takes to get to a point where you are not beholden to a paycheck and can call your own shots and become economically independent.

I hope you’ll take a look at the new book when it’s out. I’ll be sending out updates through our mailing list and through the blog. I welcome your constructive feedback. This has been a labor of love, completed without its guru, and I’m thankful for the support, and even some of the criticism, that has pushed the book to completion.

14 thoughts on “An Update on “The Book””

  1. Your father’s book was life changing to myself and several friends. I’m very sad to hear of his passing.

    I have begun a habit of gifting the book to high school graduates, but because so many gift books are not read, I include a $100 unsigned check and an invitation (after reading it) to have lunch, discuss the book, and sign the check.

  2. Cindy Strickland Hernandez

    Oh I am so excited! Your dads book is on list of favorite books. I’m passing out my list tomorrow evening at my first speech about going from bankrupt to millionaire in 15 years. The Millionaire Next Door had a big piece in that journey. With love,

  3. Dear Sarah, Your fathers books in 1996 and 2000 were valuable additions to my home library. They reinforced much of my views on money management. I was sad to read about his passing. He was only one year older than me. I have been retired now for 9 years from a successful career in finance. Most of my 35 years were with Paine Webber /UBS. Good luck with your future publishing.

  4. I first read The Millionaire Next Door when I was 29 years old – the year it was written. I can’t say enough about how the book changed my way of thinking, especially in my formative years as a young adult who was starting a business. Nearly 23 years later, the habits and philosophies have formed a foundation in my financial “DNA”. Even though my “balance sheet” has changed, my habits have not. I credit your father for making that difference. It’s wonderful to be able to look forward to a Tom Stanley book headed into print. My only regret is that I never got to meet him. It’s great that you’re keeping his legacy alive. Thank you.

  5. The 1996 and 2000 editions are part of my library. I can’t even count the # of time I have read them. They are underlined In so many places. These books have been my bible for years The values taught in these books allowed for me to retire at 52. I refuse to retire though. I love my profession of dentistry. I now teach it and provide all my graduating seniors with a copy of The Millionaire Next Door. I look so forward to reading the new book. Your dad was a good man who I had an opportunity to talk with many times. It’s wonderful that your continuing his and your journey.

  6. Looking forward to the new book. Original changed my financial life as well and was very sad to hear of your father’s passing.

  7. Tom Stanley’s series of books have been an Inspiration to me for years. His research insights and storytelling rang very true to me.
    Great success wishes on your book launch.
    I’ll be buying it.

  8. Sarah, Congratulations on completing and publishing The Next Millionaire Next Door. I commented on LinkedIn to you a couple of weeks ago as well. I mentioned I have all your father’s books and give his first three books as gifts to friends who go into sales or start businesses. I also mentioned I had just purchased The Next Millionaire Next Door and started reading it that day.

    Another thing I mentioned was how I commented on a blog post of your father’s here several years ago. My comment was long and at first I was disappointed he did not release it on that post. To my surprise, he published it as it’s own post a couple of weeks later.

    Well, I have been reading the new book and I could not believe my eyes when I got to Chapter 3. My story had made the new book! I was smiling from ear-to-ear as I read it. I’m thrilled to be included!

    I’m at that stage in life where my kids are all but on their own, my net worth is solid and the tuition spigot is turned off, so my net worth can be supercharged after holding steady while cash had to be distributed for college – with each son helping with his own funds and earned scholarships. They both earned free Masters Degrees and received
    paid graduate research assistant positions.

    This may sound silly, but with all the success my sons earned, my relative net worth success, and my 32-year marriage on solid ground – I had been feeling a lack of fulfillment. I was telling my wife I wanted to make a difference for others – inspire others in some manner.

    I started to look at doing speaking engagements. But what to speak on? Success in business? Tough subject since I was a middle manager (albeit with a 7-figure net worth that nobody would suspect). Perhaps I could speak about my side work which includes a rug design studio, comedy writing and marketing copy-writing of all things. None of those individually accounted for the net worth, but combine them all and layer frugal living and basic investing on top and you have the story of how I achieved my level so far. It’s not where I want to be just yet, so there is more to do.

    But seeing my story in The Next Millionaire Next Door gave me huge satisfaction! I know how many people are inspired by The original Millionaire Next Door, The Millionaire Mind, Millionaire Women Next Door, and Stop Acting Rich.

    If my story in your book helps some people to make changes to respect money, teach their children how to use credit, keep their electronics and toys in good condition to resell, and even learn to buy them used to save money – then my lessons, taught to me by my parents and passed on to my children – is fulfilling my need to inspire people through your book.

    I truly thank you for this gift, and if I can help you further in any way, please let me know. You and your father have been a great influence in my life. I’d like to help you and inspire others as your family’s work has inspired mine.

    (you do not have to publish this comment – I just wanted you to know these thoughts and offer my help to you.)

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