The Millionaire Next Door

Works of Thomas J. Stanley

A New Home for The Millionaire Next Door

Always a teacher, my father loved uncovering hidden trends in the economy, in consumer behavior, and in marketing research, and then sharing them with others. He loved reading articles in newspapers, cutting them out, making notes all over the margins, and then turning those findings into essays on how individuals approach money. I would share articles and summaries from academic journals with him, and (after grading them) he would relate their scientific findings to the financial concerns of the day. He was a student of biographies, intently studying and relaying the rocky paths and determined spirit of individuals from George Washington to Keith Richards. When fans of his books would write in or share stories with him in person, he would weave their unique experiences in with his own accumulated data on financial success.

When we worked together to create his original website in 2009, the goal was to allow him to share his findings and thoughts much sooner than he could via a published book. Last year we started work on a website makeover, to be launched in early 2015.

His last blog was published on February 24th of this year, just a few days before he passed away.

The new site–just launched today–was born out of a desire to streamline and update the original site. I will continue to update the blog with the latest research on wealth accumulation and related topics, provide updates on the book we were working on together (a follow up to The Millionaire Next Door), and share new research findings. Just as before, we invite you to share your millionaire-next-door stories, which we hope will  serve to inspire a new generation to live below their means, accumulate wealth, and become financially independent.

Welcome to the new home of The Millionaire Next Door.

18 thoughts on “A New Home for The Millionaire Next Door”

  1. Dear Sarah;
    Thank you for continuing your father’s work. I have always appreciated his down to earth style of presentations whether in his books or live lectures.

  2. Sarah,

    Thank you for continuing your father’s work. I have learned so many lessons from his books, have read every single blog post on this site and look forward to reading those from you a well.

  3. Thank you Sarah for continuing your fathers work! “The Millionare Next Door” helped change my paradigms on finances in a big way. His practical down to earth and scientific approach is really refreshing. My grandfather is a Millionare, and my father is one as well. I never listened to their wisdom until I found the “Millionare” books. Thank you again your work and your fathers work! Looking forward to what’s next!

  4. Hello Sarah —

    When I purchased “The Millionaire Next Door” in 1996 I read over half the book in my car before leaving the bookstore parking lot.

    To say your fathers work has had a tremendously positive impact on me and many many others is a massive understatement.

    I wish you all the best in continuing his important work.

  5. Steve Hendricks

    Hi Sarah,

    My condolences on the loss of your father. Thank you for continuing his legacy in financial education. I have read the Millionaire Next Door many more times than any of the other financial books I have read. Your father inspired me to a path of financial stability and freedom that I will carry through my retirement years. Thank you and best wishes for the next endeavor.


  6. Thank you for continuing your father’s legacy. It truly is work that matters. We need more voices like that of your family to inspire future generations.

  7. The book that made me The Millionaire Next Door was actually Dr. Stanley’s “Networking With The Affluent”.

    I would love to see a follow-up to “Networking” – the technology involved in networking has changed greatly, but the skills needed to become an Ace of Aces have not.
    If you want to thrive as an entrepreneur, you have to know how to network with the affluent.

  8. Very glad to see the continuation of such a worthy project. I picked up The Millionaire Next Door when it first came out. It is the only book I think I’ve ever paid the full retail price for (which is a bit of dichotomy). It’s on my read and reread list and I’ve also suggested/referenced it in my book Manage Your Money Like Warren Buffett (Amazon). CNBC had a program on several years ago called The Billionaire Next Door about Buffett. I always thought that was a great “nod” to the book.

  9. It’s not unusual for an heir to take over a departed parent’s business, but to continue their body of work? Very unusual.

    I’d like to say something more than thank you, but the words escape me. The information I gleaned from The Millionaire Next Door and Stop Acting Rich has changed my life. I appreciate you continuing this important work.

    Thank you so much Sarah.

  10. This project is encouraging in that good work will be carried on.

    I have built a financial library over the years with the most worn section being the works of Dr. Stanley – this is the working section that has produced results.

  11. Sarah – Glad to see you continuing the work of your father.

    Like others mentioned, I found your father’s books even before “The Millionaire Next Door”. I was at the Chicago library at lunch in the 1990’s and stumbled across “Networking with the Affluent”. I went back every lunch hour to finish the book and then found his first two books and absorbed those as well.

    I applied the teaching to my own side business and it grew substantially. I eventually bought my own copies of his books and re-read them often.

    Anytime a friend goes into financial sales or opens their own business, I give them a copy of the Networking book and tell them to read the other two Affluent books.

    I found your father’s blog a few years ago and in August 2012 I wrote a comment on one of his posts. I was disappointed I didn’t see it published in the following days. But then I was shocked to see your father had turned my comment into an entire post about three weeks later!

    Good luck with your own work and I look forward to seeing the next book with you and your father’s research published.

  12. Sam Smith Pittsburgh,PA

    Your father’s books have become a mainstay in my library….I listen to the info through my ear buds just to continue internalizing the correct data to change old habits…I use the book as reference for young people who want to get ahead and as a reminder for older people that they should never give up trying to become financially independent and ‘free’.

  13. Sarah,
    I read your father’s book, The Millionaire Next Door, about 20 years ago. It was, and is.. a life changing book for me. I learned about the Millionaire Women Next door book last month. I bought a copy and gave it to my 24 year old daughter this Christmas. I am currently in the process of writing a personal finance book and your Father’s book is an amazing resource! I just found your website today! Thank you, Sarah!

  14. Dear, Dr, Stanley Fallaw,
    I am in the process of reading the updated version of the millionaire next door and i loving it so far despite it being bittersweet. Thank you for continuing your father’s work and legacy! I was very young when the original book came out , not so young anymore. Warm gettings and blessing from Irealnd. Slain go foil!

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