The Millionaire Next Door

success factors

Where Did the Designer of Your Car’s Engine Attend College?

Thank you, Mr. S.Y., for your recent 5-star review of The Millionaire Mind.  In it you succinctly explained the book’s theme, focusing on the key table [Table 2-1] “Millionaire Success Factors.” . . . least important (success factor) . . . graduating near/at the top of my class.  (ranked 30th of 30 factors) This component is […]

Where Did the Designer of Your Car’s Engine Attend College? Read More »

Integrity, The Bedrock of the Road to Success

Here’s an assignment designed to enhance the future socioeconomic productivity of your children, grandchildren, etc.  Turn to Page 34 in The Millionaire Mind, Table 2-1 “Millionaires’ Success Factors.”  There you will find thirty success factors ranked in importance by a national sample of 733 respondents who represent a fraction of the top 1.0% of wealth holders

Integrity, The Bedrock of the Road to Success Read More »