The Millionaire Next Door

American households

The Money Pit and The Decline of Enhanced Millionaires

Apparently, my interview with Dave Ramsey on September 30th hit a cord when I mentioned that only a minority of people who own/occupy homes valued at $1M or more are millionaires. In my latest book, Stop Acting Rich, I use the term millionaire to refer to those households with net investments of $1M or more. This is not the […]

The Money Pit and The Decline of Enhanced Millionaires Read More »

Part 3 of 3: The Millionaire Next Door . . . Swiss? Cheese only.

Compare the “rich” people (especially the Forbes 400 crowd I profiled in my previous blog) with the typical Joe and Nancy American household. The typical household in the United States generates a median income of just over $50,000 per year. As explained in an earlier blog, Average Rich? Median Poor?, its net worth is just

Part 3 of 3: The Millionaire Next Door . . . Swiss? Cheese only. Read More »