The Millionaire Next Door

Does Your Chosen Vocation have Great Market Opportunities?

You don’t have to have extraordinarily high analytic intellect to become economically successful in America.  If you have great discipline and leverage your creative intellect you will likely become an achiever.  Under the heading of creative intellect are two factors that underlie the millionaire next door profile.  These include Factor 6, they are proficient in targeting market opportunities, and Factor 7, they chose the right occupation.

Discussing the analytic and creative intellect topics is akin to one’s eyesight.  A great fighter pilot once said about inexperienced combatants: they see but they do not see.  In other words, in spite of having better than 20/20 vision [like being born with high analytic intellect] it does a combat pilot little good if he never looks in the right direction.  The same is true in targeting market opportunities and selecting the right occupation.

Our local newspaper often profiles some of the most interesting success stories of people with great creative intellect.  One made his fortune manufacturing fabric liners for caskets.  He benefited greatly from taking night courses in textile engineering at Georgia Tech.  Another case study was about a young woman whom I understand was the first to trade in very expensive, previously owned designer hand bags.  Also speaking of “nichers,” an equine dentist was profiled.  He has great demand for his service, little competition, and low overhead since most of his procedures are carried out in barns and stables!

Two of my readers recently shared their success stories with me which are predicated on Factors 6 and 7.  Both of these men came to America as economic ground zero immigrants, with really nothing more than ambition, discipline and creativity.  Each selected a college major and  occupation that were not only ideal for his temperament but also had great potential.  One started a “wellness coaching business” focusing on the aging American population that has a growing need for a variety of rehabilitation services.  Initially, “money was very scarce and my living situation was desperate while renting someone’s garage turned into a studio. . . .    The other man “. . . studied computer science because of career prospects.”  He worked for a large investment company for 12 years “average total comp about $200,000 a year.  Invested wisely. . . . ”  Thrift was also part of his lifestyle.  The most he ever spent for an automobile was $22,000.   Now at age 41 he reported that he could retire if he chose to do so. 

1 thought on “Does Your Chosen Vocation have Great Market Opportunities?”

  1. Great point. I think one thing that you have zeroed in on that most other financial gurus miss is the need for risk, and for going after a high income. Most preach save, save…

    Saving is important, but so is income.

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